
As a project,  Bridging the unbridgeable: linguists, prescriptivists and the general public is funded by the Netherlands Society for Scientific Research (NWO). But in order to build a database, we need sponsors.

We welcome sponsors of this interactive initiative, and invite those interested in furthering the debate between linguists, prescriptivists and the general public to get in touch with us. An example of the kind of support we seek would be for publishers to waive their copyright fee to allow us to incorporate the text of their published usage guides into our database. We will list the names of all those who help us in this way in this blog.

kennislinkWe have received tokens of sponsorship over the past years  of all kinds, for all of which we are very grateful:

  • Kennislink
  • Ewoud Sanders who sent us a copy of his book Slimmer zoeken op internet.
  • Matthijs Smits for presenting us with a copy of Garner’s Modern American Usage on the occasion of his graduation in August 2012
  • and most recently from Neilsen Bookscan, who supplied us with data about the sales of some of the usage guides in our HUGE database.

We hope others will follow.